Friday, April 30, 2010


In case you're not up on your pagan holidays, allow me to inform you that tonight, April 30, is Hexennacht, or "Hex Night." (Also known as Walpurgis Night; check out the Wikipedia entry for more information.) As the halfway point to Halloween, Hexennacht has a reputation as the second most haunted night of the year.

Feel free to celebrate by building a bonfire in order to ward off evil spirits and usher in the Queen of Spring...or you could join me, along with other members of the Boyle Heights Paranormal Project (find us on Facebook!), for a ghost hunt on the Queen Mary in Long Beach tonight at 9 PM. Whether you're a seasoned paranormal expert or a complete newbie, you can observe a basic EVP session and BHPP investigative techniques.

The Queen Mary is located at 1126 Queen's Highway in Long Beach, CA.

"May Eve was Walpurgis Night, when hell's blackest evil roamed the earth and all the slaves of Satan gathered for nameless rites and deeds." - H.P. Lovecraft, 'The Dreams in the Witch House'

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